Thursday, October 11, 2007

perfect technology for me AND a child in an 'undeveloped' country?

i think I'll buy myself and a foreign kid an XO laptop in November (when O.L.P.C. does their 'give 1 get 1' offer). The little thing has solar power, an outdoor/sunshine screen-reading mode, wireless connectivity, and can read PDF documents in a compact tablet-format. That's what I've been looking for since school started last Spring, and I haven't been able to find anything suitable, at ANY price, let alone cheaply -- I really just need something to help me get all my PDF and Web reading done for school, and maybe do a little note-taking. Being able to do it outside on gorgeous sunny days would be nice! And giving one to a kid is nice, too.

You can read more about the XO here (TerraPass article) and here (NYT article).

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