Saturday, May 26, 2007

Kuhn on the brain (forever after?)

I think Kuhn is definitely going to stick with me, at least for the duration of my MLIS studies, if not forever after; when I read in Baker's Double Fold about the destruction of library material, I think of how Kuhn's new paradigms destroy the old in order to dis- and replace them... it's a violent revolution, and Baker does a good job making it seem bloody, too!

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Oh Zotero!

I think Zotero may be my new best friend... and I missed the cutoff date for being Millenial by a few years, so I'm not exactly psyched that my new best friend is software...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

"Earmarks" DB; an interesting recent item from the U Penn Van Pelt Library's news webpage

from the U Penn Van Pelt Library's news webpage

"(05-APR-07) Earmarks 'ear-mark, v. To set aside (money, etc.) for a particular purpose (OED 2nd, 1989). The OMB's new database is now online.

The US Office of Management and Budget's new Earmarks database gathers together information from federal agencies on funds provided by the Congress for projects or programs where the congressional direction (in bill or report language) circumvents the merit-based or competitive allocation process, or specifies the location or recipient, or otherwise curtails the ability of the Executive Branch to properly allocate funds, currently for FY05. For more information: Lauris Olson, Social Sciences Bibliographer"

[my emphasis]

I don't have time to post my thoughts/comments at the moment -- but they are good thoughts/comments, trust me! :)

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Testing ScribeFire to generate this post; also, the intended use of this blog

I actually used to use the LiveJournal widget to update my LiveJournal/personal blog, but eventually I found it faster/easier just to update directly at my LJ blog page... so yes, I've had a blog before, but never while I was formally in school, and also never required!

I'm intending to use this as a school-assignments notes/musings space, almost like my written notebooks used to be when I was in undergrad, and so far it is indeed working to help me organize my thoughts (which was always one important function of keeping notes). now, if only Blogger will stay online and not crash (as I fear it will do although it's given me no reason to doubt as much), then I can also use it for the other function of taking notes: review in advance of papers/quizzes/exams! Here's hoping...

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Friday, May 18, 2007

notes on Kuhn's favorite words/ideas thus far (how many more might there be in the final pages I haven't got to yet?)

scientist [N.B. always male, i.e. "he" "his" "man" "men"]; paradigm, articulate/-d, precision, coherence, uniformity, anticipation/expectation, crisis, accuracy, failure, application, utility, equipment/apparatus/tools, theory/-ies, puzzle/"problem" [as in a challenge to solve, problem-solving], anomaly/-ies, acceptance, dominance of a posteriori knowledge / empiricism, nature/"the world"/fact

Thursday, May 17, 2007

commencing to post

Today is the first day of my first semester of MLIS studies. It's been 7 years since I graduated from college, and tomorrow is my 5th wedding anniversary. While these facts are attempting to conspire to make me feel old, I in fact feel rejuvinated by starting something this big and new. I'm halfway through the 1st required book, Thomas Kuhn's "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions," and I feel smarter already -- a good antidote to that sinking feeling I experience when considering the vast quantity of reading, absorbing, analyzing, discussing and pondering I will have to do over the next 2 years... But still -- hooray for grad school! Here's to new beginnings!