Tuesday, August 14, 2007

ah, summer vacation (all 3 weeks of it, including 10 work days)!

I am enjoying these 3 weeks off from school (between Summer and Fall terms), however, I of course have assigned myself 3 books to read during this time! I am currently really enjoying The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (I have the 1912 edition from my workplace's collection). Some friends told me the text has all kinds of strange history, including translation from English to French and back to English, and revision by Franklin at later points in life, which actually makes it that much more interesting to me because if I wanted just the facts, I would just read the Wikipedia page (or maybe the Encyclopedia Britannica if I felt that would have better accuracy)! The book is an excellent cultural artifact (especially this 1912 edition with its now-dated explanatory footnotes)!


Jeremy McGinniss said...

It's interesting you mention jazz because according to Windblown by David Brightley, which is a comprehensive edit of Kerouac's journals when he was writing Town and Country and On The Road, Kerouac was wanting to write like jazz was played. I am hoping to start it tomorrow. I will let you know what I think. Thanks again for turning me onto Pynchon. The guy is a genius!

Libography said...

And my thanks go to you for spurring me to finally read Pynchon's newest work (the only one of his I haven't read), "Against the Day." I started it last weekend and of course it's fabulous -- vivid imagery, lively characters, and a dog who can read!!