Sunday, July 1, 2007

LIS2600 assignment, due July 1 - (1st of 2 posting requirements): tag cloud generated by ZoomClouds

[EDITED 7/2/07: It's sort of working now; I can see the cloud! (Working as well as it's ever going to? It's kinds messy...)] [EDIT 7/6/07: It hasn't been working at all the past few days.]

ZoomClouds is not working to generate a tag cloud of my combined feeds (from this blog and my and Connotea accounts). I copied and pasted the HTML from my ZoomClouds page into this blog layout (on the top right), but -- nothing. (I couldn't see it at my ZoomClouds URL either - maybe you can?) I tried both SuprGlu and FeedBlendr to create the integrated/source feed for my cloud. And, like some of the other students, I keep getting redirected to the Spanish-language eGrupos site, which apparently hosts ZoomClouds...

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