Friday, June 15, 2007

books in my world at the moment

On my nightstand are: "Bestiary: Or the Parade of Orpheus" which is Apollinaire poems in both French & English (with lovely modern woodcut illustrations), a We'moon datebook my sister gave me, and several different diaries (the old-fashioned, hardbound paper ones, of course!). But what I'm actively reading now doesn't fit on my nightstand -- it's "Discovering Computers 2008", required for school. This and the other books I'm reading for school [some of which can be seen in the "Customers who bought this item also bought" feature at the Amazon page for "Discovering Computers"; a nifty little Web2.0 doodad, eh?] are in the locale of my favorite reading area -- the papasan chair in the living room [my cushion is purple, though].

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