Saturday, June 30, 2007
raspberries and the nutritional value of information
Eating fresh fruit out of my garden usually makes me feel a kind of haughty pity (which I wish was just pure compassion) for people who only ever eat their berries out of plastic boxes from supermarket shelves, which "berries" taste almost nothing like the fruit they claim to be, and which have been pumped full of chemical fertilizers, coated with chemical pesticides, picked before ripe (to increase the length of shelf-life), shipped across thousands of miles (usually), and sold at a high price that fluctuates regularly according to the performance of the market, and the availability of the crop.
this is much like what I feel about knowledge lately, innocent fresh young ripe ideas. these days, the average consumer is sold ideas that have been guarded jealously from the moment of conception (to protect them in their infancy from competitor-pests), developed overly quickly for the sake of budget, slapped into a sleek contract/patent box, pushed through whatever arm of government controls their regulation and/or market, and sold to consumers/citizens-of-the-world at great cost, in a guise that little resembles their original/natural form; aren't they paler, blander, older, less nutritious, and possibly even toxic/harmful, much like those supermarket raspberries? And, when's the last time you were browsing the supermarket shelves and they were giving away free food? When's the last time you were in a Borders and they were giving away free books & CDs? Or a BestBuy and they were giving away free (good) software?
The nice thing about the Web: there're a lot of good ideas here that you can get for nothing. Thanks to the writers/programmers/bloggers/people for their droppings into cyberspace...
Thursday, June 28, 2007
to see ourselves as others see us
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Online books and Digital Library projects at Penn
AND, there is an online books site hosted by the Penn Libraries, managed by a self-proclaimed "computer scientist who works in a library."
Monday, June 25, 2007
'twas a "rain dogs" morning, happily... and speaking of pirates...
Speaking of pirates, here's a book that looks interesting -- maybe in 2 years (after grad school) I'll have time to read it: Crypto Anarchy, Cyberstates, and Pirate Utopias. It's referred to in Vaidhyanathan's "Anarchist in the Libary".
Sunday, June 24, 2007
when "thoughts" become "information" -- how much is really worth saving?
when a library book isn't good enough...
For now, for school, I am reading a library copy of this book, but suddenly I have realized I - MUST - OWN - MY - OWN - COPY. I need this book to live in my house with me. (As if that will help me KNOW the contents.) And I want to take lots of notes in the margins (which less scrupulous users of library books do in library books, regardless).
Monday, June 18, 2007
life and work in the digital age
"June 2007 > We Googled You.
HBR Case Study
In This Article:
We Googled You
Hathaway Jones’s CEO has found a promising candidate to open the company’s flagship store in Shanghai. Should a revelation on the Internet disqualify her now?
by Diane Coutu"
Saturday, June 16, 2007
LIS2600 assignment, due June 24 - (2nd of 2 posting requirements): URL for my custom Google Search Engine
It's not as refined yet as I'd like it to be; I'll keep tweaking it.
LIS2600 assignment, due June 24 - (1st of 2 posting requirements): URL for Scopus search results via Bloglines
Here is the URL for my public folder in Bloglines, containing the search results.
in case you were wondering which planet and astrological sign rule your e-mail (so you know who to plead with when it's not working)...
from the New Moon article at
[my emphases]
"Have you ever heard people describe Gemini as a lot of talk and air? True that Gemini includes the energy of communication, but it is so much more. It also influences learning, intellect, interactions with siblings and distant relatives, interactions with neighbors, and short distance travel. Prior to the industrial revolution, short distance involved being able to walk some place within a day or two, and if you were lucky enough to have an animal you could ride, you could probably get there faster. It also involved writing letters or reading the newspaper. With the advance of technology, Gemini now encompasses even more, such as the use of the Internet, email, chat rooms, message boards, electronic newspapers, listening to the radio via satellite and watching television on the computer. We are bombarded with information from so many different directions. And, we can travel by plane thousands of miles in a matter of hours instead of days/months. Most modes of transportation, like cars, bikes, scooters and even roller skates are under the Gemini influence. Virtually anything with wheels is a Gemini object. Telephones, teleconferences, and modems are also Gemini territory. As we become more global and multi-media oriented, the lines between Here and There are becoming blurred; harder to define because our neighbors are not simply the people who live within our local community, but also our "media" community. With instant news, we feel alarmed when tragic events happen to our neighbors hundreds of miles away because the media brings those faces and situations into our lives within minutes of tragedy striking. We no longer need to wait for the newspaper to show up on our doorstep. The information that streams into our lives with the help of technology at the blink of an eye is influenced by Mercury. And Gemini feeds on the excitement of it all. The hardest thing for Gemini influenced individuals to do is to find a sense of peace, calm, and relaxation."
Friday, June 15, 2007
the medieval helpdesk - deskside support!
at the end (after subtitles end):
helpguy: Have you read the user manual?
Ansgar: Manual??
helpguy: There should be a user manual that comes with it. It must be this.
Ansgar: Oh yes. That one. But see, there you have the same problem again. Can't open it.
helpguy: Hmmm... I guess we should have thought of that.
(thanks to YouTube commentors for translation)
books in my world at the moment
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
support public access to health information, the National Library of Medicine and NIH
The House of Representatives Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services (HHS), and Education is expected to mark-up its fiscal year 2008 funding bill during the week of June 4. This bill provides annual appropriations for biomedical research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), including the National Library of Medicine.
You are encouraged to contact members of the House Labor-HHS-Education Subcommittee and your own member of the House of Representatives to ask them to support a 6.7% funding increase for NIH, to provide the resources necessary to construct a new facility for the National Library of Medicine, and to make the NIH public access policy that requires authors to submit their articles into PubMed Central as soon as possible, but no later than 12 months, mandatory.
Download the complete action alert (PDF, 30KB), including background and contact information.
Monday, June 4, 2007
library activism opportunity in DC, Mon June 25th
American Library Association
Washington Office Newsline
Volume 16, Number 064
June 4, 2007
Volunteers Needed for Library Day on the Hill
The ALA Washington Office is seeking 50 volunteers for
Library Day on the Hill <>!
Volunteers will have the unique opportunity to join
thousands of librarians who will walk the corridors of
Capitol Hill and show the value of libraries to
Members of Congress. A description of volunteer posts and
duties appears below.
Volunteers are needed to:
1. Greet participants and direct them to buses;
2. Distribute free T-shirts;
3. Direct participants to Congressional Office Buildings;
4. Distribute informational handout to event participants;
5. Be in front of each Congressional Building directing
participants to their representatives' offices and answer questions.
Two training and briefing sessions will be held for volunteers on
Monday, June 25, in the Convention Center, Room 204-C.
* First Session: 1:30 - 2:15 p.m.
* Second Session: 2:30 - 3:15 p.m.
For more information on volunteering or to volunteer please send an
email to Erin Haggerty at
Click here <> or the logo above to:
* Jump to ALA's Legislative Action Center
* See what library legislation is hot
* Send a letter or fax to Congress
U.S. Capitol switchboard 202-225-3121
ALAWON Editor:
Andy Bridges
To subscribe or unsubscribe, please click here
<> .
All materials subject to copyright by the American Library Association
may be reprinted or redistributed for noncommercial purposes with
appropriate credits.
ALA Washington Office
Emily Sheketoff, Executive Director
1615 New Hampshire Ave NW, First Floor
Washington, D.C. 20009
202.628.8410 (V)
202.628.8419 (F)
Office of Government Relations
Lynne Bradley, Director;
Melanie Anderson, Don Essex, Erin Haggerty, Miriam Nisbet, Tara Olivero,
Rosalind Reynolds
Office for Information Technology Policy
Rick Weingarten, Director;
Mark Bard, Carrie Lowe, Kathy Mitchell, Carrie Russell
what about a library without books? (which is more & more the direction we're heading)
-Cicero (106 BCE - 43 BCE) (Attributed)
Sunday, June 3, 2007
I want one of these computer-pens, please!
the intersection of Asking and Knowing
I've noticed that people will put up with a lot of "bad behavior" from a person if that person is very valuable or knowledgable on a topic. Does that mean the person is both the "trouble maker" AND the "answer person" mentioned by Marc Smith in the Educause podcasts [Part 1] (where the trouble makers are 'poisoning the well' while the answer people are those 2% of people who answer 90% of the community's questions)? Perhaps the average genius (if there is such a thing) is more often the troublemaker than the question-answerer; it does seem that genius comes with a social cost. How does that relate to what I've heard about workplace sociology, that you can get more done and be better respected by being easy to work with than you can by being, say, a perfectionist (which reminds me of the small uproar among some FastTrackers when we were told the motto is "Completion Not Perfection"). I suppose perfectionism is far from genius, and that most workplaces do not tolerate much genius in the workers; I suppose most societies don't tolerate much genius.
What is the balance between having an answer and asking a question? One genius I know in particular seems to keep a constant balance of Knowing and Asking. He knows BECAUSE he has asked and because he was determined to find an answer even when no one could give it to him, or when no one else had even thought to formulate the question...
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Friday, June 1, 2007
wonderful/helpful use of vlogging (video blogging)
a video comparison of 2 different tablet-type (UMPC, ultra mobile PC) machines, by Hugo Ortega
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